Sunday, August 8, 2010

Part I: "Heaven, I'm in heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak..."

I told you a few weeks ago, that I have decided to expand my horizons a bit (beyond eBay) and open up an Etsy shop - Sarsaparilla's Boudoir - to sell some of my vintage items that have a distinctly feminine appeal. 

Well, progress towards "Opening Day" has been much slower than anticipated.  It's summer after all, and a girl's gotta have a little fun.  All work and no play makes Susan a very crabby girl.  Ask my children!

Hot as it is up in my computer room (I'm AC-less, remember?) I'm forcing myself to spend time today researching and writing descriptions and taking photos of those items I plan to sell on Etsy. 

Well, a few of my figurines needed dusting before photos, and so I figured this was a good time to give my entire collection of ceramic figurines a little bath...

Here they are bright and shiny and happy!

Well, this isn't quite my entire collection, get the idea.  I love vintage figurines!

This 1930's Art Deco dancing lady is one of favorites.  I like that she's all white - so sleek and sophisticated against the dark wood of my curio cabinet. 

I can't quite make out the impressed mark on the base, especially the first letter. I might be way off, but it looks like  _adson or _anson?  Any ideas?
Here she is from another angle.  I imagine her as Ginger Rogers dancing with Fred Astaire to Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek" in the 1935 film "Top Hat."

See for yourself - there's an uncanny resemblance. :-)

Video courtesy of YouTube's AriadneYvette

Oh my, I just watched this again - and when the dance reached the climax, I got shivers up my spine.  Is it just me?


  1. I've got this song in my I-pod for so long!!! But I can't stop listening to it! It makes me smile everytime...

  2. Hello Lexy - Yes, this song is addictive! For two days after I posted this the "Heaven, I'm in heaven..." melody was constantly on my mind.


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