Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It Pays to Have Friends in High Places

Earlier this week, Linda of The Paper Collector became Vintage Queen for A Day...

...after solving the puzzle of a mystery cigarette advertisement. 

Well, Linda graciously stepped down, momentarily, from her throne last night to come to the rescue again! 

She told me that she is familiar with the 1920's paper dolls that I shared with you on Monday.  In fact, she has a collection of them herself, which she wrote about in her own blog last year.  Apparently, these dolls are from the Peggy Pryde and Her Playmates series that ran in The Pictorial Review from January through May, 1926. 

(Special thanks to Marlendy of Marges8's Blog who also owns a few dolls from this series and helped Linda piece together this paper doll puzzle.)

So, here are the dolls once again - with their official names. 

Left to right:  Peter Pryde (Peggy's Little Brother); Carrie (Peggy's cousin); Phil Pryde (Peggy's brother) and Patty Pryde (Peggy's sister).

But where's Peggy?  Darn!  Five dolls in this series - and I'm missing the leader of the pack - Peggy Pryde!

Well, guess who's got Peggy?  Our vintage queen Linda, of course.  If you'd like to know what sweet Peggy Pryde looks like, follow this link to the queen's "Paper Collector" palace

Yikes! - I've been so caught up in the paper doll world that I forgot about getting ready for work this morning!  8 a.m. and I'm still in my PJ's! 

Gotta run....have a wonderful day!

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