Thursday, October 7, 2010

O hushed October...

This morning I found myself in Vogue UK's website, perusing the magazine archives from the 1920's and 1930's, and came across this wonderful Vogue cover from October 1924.

Vogue - October 1924

The poet Robert Frost was a master at capturing the imagery of the four seasons - and the 1924 Vogue cover above reminded me of his wonderful "October" poem included in his 1915 collection of poetry, A Boy's Will.  I had this poem printed on the back of the church program that was handed out to family and friends on my wedding day many Octobers ago - so it's a sentimental favorite of mine.


O hushed October morning mild,
Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
To-morrow’s wind, if it be wild,
Should waste them all.
The crows above the forest call;
To-morrow they may form and go.

O hushed October morning mild,
Begin the hours of this day slow,
Make the day seem to us less brief.
Hearts not averse to being beguiled,
Beguile us in the way you know;

Release one leaf at break of day;
At noon release another leaf;
One from our trees, one far away;
Retard the sun with gentle mist;
Enchant the land with amethyst.

Slow, slow!
For the grapes’ sake, if they were all,
Whose leaves already are burnt with frost,
Whose clustered fruit must else be lost—
For the grapes’ sake along the wall.

Robert Frost (1874–1963). A Boy’s Will. 1915. 30. October

I love the colors of autumn, don't you?  Gold, crimson, amethyst, burgundy, wine, auburn, brown, mocha, dove grey, sienna, rust, ochre, plum, pumpkin, goldenrod, copper... 

All those lovely colors can be found in the Fall issues of fashion magazines from the 1920's and 30's.  Here's a collection of scans from the covers of Delineator, Eu Sei Tudo, Harper's Bazaar, Photoplay and Vogue that capture the warmth of autumn and the spirit of the Art Deco era.  Enjoy!

Eu Sei Tudo - November 1924.  Courtesy of Blog da Rue Nova

Vogue - September 1927. Courtesy of

Photoplay - October 1927.  Courtesy of Allure

Vogue - October 1928.  Courtesy of

Delineator - October 1929.  Courtesy of

Harper's Bazaar - October 1930.  Courtesy of Hemad Pant's Personal Blog

Delineator - October 1930. Courtesy of C.P. Strand: In His Words

Vogue - August 1932.  Courtesy of

Delineator - November 1933.  Courtesy of Cover Browser

Vogue - October 1935.  Courtesy of

Vogue - August 1938.  Courtesy of

Harper's Bazaar - September 1939. Courtesy of Applejacks

Vogue - November 1939.  Courtesy of


  1. That vogue cover from 1938 is divine...Thanks for posting!

  2. Oh, these are marvellous (it's funny, I posted a couple of autumn 30s Delineator covers on my Tumblr feed last week...I didn't see that Nov 1933 one, which is splendid). Y'know, I often have Frost poetry running through my head while I walk in the woods every day. Thanks for sharing one of my favourites!!!!

  3. Susan,
    What a treat! I love the Robert Frost poem and the magazine covers just make me drool! I really love the woman with the poodle (and his tongue hanging out!) but most of all, I, too, love these wonderful colors!

  4. These covers are wonderful! I love that 1920s pout. You remind me with pictures and also with a fashion video, that colour film was alive back then. The trend seems to have been muted colours, I have noticed. I like that artwork so often was used to illustrate fashions and backgrounds. It's interesting that so many of these backgrounds are not realistic. Instead they appear to be meant to be surreal or abstract in some way.

  5. You made my day, dear S - Frost is so majestic!

    Lovely pic's! I had a good long laugh with Vogue, November '39... She was SO misplaced, haha. Wonderful!

  6. Those are some of the coolest magazine covers I've ever seen! I'd love to take about 6 of them and frame them for my bedroom.....

  7. It's funny how you all noticed things in these covers that I hadn't - the tongue hanging out of the poodle's mouth, the glam model whistling to the rooster, the 1920's pout...

    I just spotted the list of authors on the Oct 1930 Delineator cover - and I thought I might check them out, see if I can find a good book to read this fall.

  8. Isn't it amazing how much more interesting these covers are than modern magazine covers that seem to always feature the celebrity of the moment?

  9. All these covers are divine, very nice to be able to continue to enjoy to thanks to your curiosity. Thanks for sharing.


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