Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Salute to Red, White and Blue: Vicky, Dorothy and Me

On Friday, I shared some scenes from the 1948 film, "The Red Shoes" - and told you that it was my new favorite film. 

Well, maybe I spoke a bit too hastily during a moment of enthusiasm.  The "Wizard of Oz" has been #1 on my vintage film list for years, and I guess I'm not quite ready to boot it out of that position.

So for now, Vicky Page from the "The Red Shoes"...and Dorothy Gale from "The Wizard of Oz"...

...will have to share my top spot.

Did you notice that the women in my two favorite films have something in common? 

Their signature dresses...

...are White and Blue!

Plus, they both have blue bows in their hair...

and of course - RED Shoes!

I think both would be great costumes for Halloween.  Of course, the Wizard of Oz's Dorothy dress is already a standard.  But a Vicky Page costume could be really wonderful, especially if you replicate the dramatic ballet makeup used in the film...and smear the white tights with a bit of blood....

But I'm cheap.  So I really don't want to spend a lot of money on a costume store ballerina dress or a blue-and-white checked Dorothy dress - and I'm not talented enough to be able to sew them.


I am savvy enough
to find great deals
at estate sales!

So, for just a
few dollars
I managed
to find
my own
red, white and blue

                  This is a vintage American Red Cross Volunteer dress.  Do you think that it suits me?

Yeah, I know - these aren't exactly ruby slippers, but they'll do.

Aren't these patches fun?  American Red Cross & local Ramsey County (St. Paul) patches on one sleeve...and Minnesota's Centennial 1858-1958 patch on the other.

So this dress was probably worn shortly after Minnesota's 1958 centennial...

Instead of a Blue Ribbon in my hair, I've got the little Blue Hat that came with the dress. 

I love it - it's got that vintage airline stewardess look.

So, now all I need to complete the Halloween costume is a First Aid Kit that can double as my purse.  I found this vintage kit in Good Buy Annie's Etsy shop that would have been perfect. But unfortunately it's been snatched up already.

I may have to resort to using my daughter's old Fisher Price medical bag.  It's a little silly, but that might add to the fun.

I'll also need some great makeup...  Maybe I could attempt to do up my eyes like Vicky Page's?

And last but not least...
I think it would make perfect sense for a Red Cross Volunteer to be a vampiress in disguise. 
So I might want to invest in some sexy fangs.

Oh, I forgot.  One small problem...
I haven't yet been invited to a Halloween Party.  Better work on that!


  1. I love your costume! And the matching tin, maybe you still can find one on Ebay in time...

    I still haven't seen the wizard of Oz with Judy Garland. I only saw the Michael Jackson/Diana Ross version (quite a few years ago).

    I think you will be invited to a Halloween party in no time, after this post!

  2. Suits you?! It more than suits you, girl. With every post I become more and more convinced that you were born in the wrong decade.

    You look gorgeous and happy. It's clear how much joy vintage stuff gives you. Keep at it! I love it.

  3. Wonderful comparisons. So true! I feel embarrassed to confess this but I haven't actually seen The Red Shoes (I mean, what's the excuse for that, the name should get every woman in!). It's always been on my list to see. But now I'll make it a priority. The Wizard of Oz is responsible for my red shoe obsession...

  4. You look great - I like your outfit very much. And I am sure you'll be soon invited to some marvellous parties!!

  5. Great post and cute outfit! You need to go to an airshow or car show! That would be fun! There was a vintage airplane show at Dulles Airport (10 mins from my house) but I only found out about it after it was over!

    Since Halloween is coming up, I know your look will be a hit! I, however, have no tentative plans yet and even if I did, I would be at a loss as to what to wear! Maybe Vampira from Plan 9 from Outer Space? I just need to find a wig!

  6. Lady Betty, I always find out about things after they're over too. A vintage airplane/car show would be fun - there must be something occasionally at least in the Mpls/St Paul area. You would make an excellent Vampira. :-)

    Loveable, you are always so sweet - how have you been? I will visit you again soon...

    Lisa and Frl. Irene - thanks for the encouragement. I'm always a little shy about modeling for my blog, as you can probably tell by my awkward pose. :-)

    Vintage Belle - I was glad I discovered your blog the other day - I really enjoy it! So you have a red shoe obsession? I easily could, if I had a little more cash - but I tend to buy basic black,brown,cream shoes that go with everything.

    Lili, lili, lili!!! - You HAVE to see the 1939 Wizard of Oz. You have such a young heart, I know you would love it.
    - Susan

  7. you're adorable! i love the way you think and i never would have made the connection between these two films! hope you have a spooky season!

  8. ..Reminder "Go Purple" Wednesday, October 20th....Read More on my blog,

    Kitsch n Stuff

  9. Lovely outfit and intelligent writing ...

  10. Adorable dress!
    I love The Red Shoes. One of my favorites as well

  11. OMG what a darling dress and outfit-
    I'd never have thought this idea would work out to be such a cute success!

  12. That's super how you made the connection between the 2 films.

    The uniform is a great costume idea, especially with the fangs.

  13. Thanks, Sarsasparilla! I've been okay thanks. I've been feeling much happier, but I've had quite a bit of pain and fatigue. I look forward to your visit!!

  14. Whoa! Vicky Page = Debra Messing.

    Love your costume - it suits you perfectly! Happy Halloween.

  15. Oh, I love the red shoes! I saw it at a local rep cinema last fall- such stunning visuals!

    Great costume idea! I like that you took the inspiration from one source to achieve another look!

    You may enjoy the film "Green for Danger"- it's a 1946 murder mystery that takes place in a WWII field hospital in England. Great uniforms!

  16. What a wonderful outfit and you look adorable in it! It's a great find.


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