Thursday, November 4, 2010

1920's-1930's Composition Dolls: Ain't They Sweet!

There she is! There she is!
There's what keeps me up at night
Oh, gee whiz! Oh, gee whiz!
That's why I can't eat a bite

Those flaming eyes! That flaming youth!
Oh, mister
Oh, sister
Tell me the truth...

Ain't she sweet?
See her walking down the street.
Now I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she sweet?

Ain't she nice
Look her over once or twice.
Now I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she nice?

Just cast an eye in her direction
Oh me, oh my, ain't that perfection

I repeat
Don't you think she's kind of neat
Now I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she sweet?

Tell me where, tell me where
Have you seen one just like that.
I declare, I declare
That sure is worth looking at.

Oh, boy!  how sweet
Those lips must be.
Gaze on it, doggonit!
Now answer me...

Ain't she sweet?
See her coming down the street.
Now I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she sweet?

Ain't she nice?
Look her over once or twice

Now I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she nice?

Just cast an eye in her direction
Oh me, oh my, ain't that perfection

I repeat -
Don't you think that's kind of neat.
Now I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she sweet?

            -- "Ain't She Sweet" by Milton Ager (music) and Jack Yellen (lyrics). Published in 1927 by Edwin H. Morris & Co., Inc./Warner Bros., Inc.

15" comp. head Bye-Lo doll, marked "Grace Storey Putnam". 19" unmarked comp doll.  14" Effanbee "Patsy" all-composition doll, poseable head/arms/legs. 21" Horsman Doll, mohair wig, marked E.I.H.Co. Inc.

13" Mama Doll, comp. head/arms, cloth body/legs, marked "Ideal Doll, Made in USA".  Large 25" comp. doll, open mouth/teeth, unmarked.

Video courtesy of RReady555

This charming early version of "Ain't She Sweet" was recorded in 1927 by Gene Austin (1900 - 1972).  Austin is often proclaimed the singer who gave birth to the singing form "crooning"

Hope you enjoyed the song...
...and my humble
but definitely sweet!
collection of dolls.

If you'd like to see another fun and eclectic collection of "little friends" from the same era - take a peek at Mitzi's Collectibles latest blog post. 

I fell in love with her adorable Kewpie (below) and her sweet handmade flapper girl figurines!

Mitzi feels that "every room should have something with a face in it." 
I most definitely agree.

"Sarsaparilla" Susan


  1. They are so cute! I love their little kidd shoes!

  2. Your dolls are simply adorable and very precious. This is a very sweet tribute to them with this post and song. Well done...

  3. Love the song....but "Poltergeist"changed forever my feelings about something with a face in every room!!The details are lovely,though!I think the outfits are my fave thing about them!

  4. This post is the thing of my nightmares! Dolls scare the bejesus out of me! I had to scroll through really really quickly, I am sure they are cute to most peoples eye but they give me nightmares, I know I'm weird!

  5. I on the other hand love your dolls!!! Especially the small one third from left in front of the piano. I'm off to see those other dolls you linked! Have a great weekend!

  6. Fiona - I'm so sorry for all the scary dolls! I realized after I posted this that at least 50% of the people out there think of old dolls as creepy. My kids certainly do!

    I'm hoping that at least a few of you will enjoy the dolls. Or as Helga said - at least the vintage outfits they are wearing...

    Guess this is my belated Halloween gift to you! ;-)

  7. I find them rather scary too. I'm glad you put the cute Kewpie at the end of the post, she's adorably cheeky. xxx

  8. Vix - I'm starting to see that those who love vintage clothing and those who love vintage dolls are generally separate groups of people.

    I feel lucky that I love it all!

  9. teehee I love that martini image!

  10. Hi Susan! What an adorable post! I was singing along, then noticed the mention of my blog and link. Thanks so much! I think you have some of the most clever ideas and swellest blog around! You certainly stand out from the crowd as a unique, fun, but educational read. My favorite mix!

  11. Oh Mitzi - thank you! I always appreciate your encouragement. :-)

  12. Great and I have a swell present: Is It Good To Buy Old House And Renovate house renovation tv shows


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