Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Warm Vintage Thank You from Snowy Minnesota...

I am happy to report that I seem to have recovered from Seller's Block!

Tonight: two listings on eBay and one on Etsy! And if it weren't past my bedtime, I would just keep right on listing...

I feel light as air right now...

Thank you so much, dear friends, for all of your lovely comments, suggestions - and free therapy!


  1. Hurrah!! It's terrible when that happens. I'm giving it a break until the New Year now.
    Good luck with everthing. xxx

  2. Oh well done Sarsy, I'm on the (listing) countdown to Xmas too, just around 3 more listing weeks left for me now, woo hoo!

  3. Haha you go girl, I'll have to take you as my role model!

  4. Yay for making money! Save it and come out to Viva Las Vegas in April...there is a great trailer on youtube about the documentary that was filmed last year.

  5. Well done! There is nothing more rewarding than a friends-bloggers to give a shot of adrenaline.

  6. Congratulations and happy selling...
    Build the Bank of Sarsaparilla!

  7. Thanks kids, you're great.

    Kim, Viva Las Vegas sounds great! Las Vegas is one city I haven't visited yet - so it's on my short list. I'm guessing though that the wee bit of extra money I'll be making on Etsy/eBay will all go towards paying the mortgage!

  8. Yes! I need to list some stuff too. You should have links to your shops easy to find, though. I can't find them!

  9. Um,re your comment about everyone not commenting about my inebriation-yes,they do expect of me!!Whoops.

  10. Hey, good job, Susan. I am so glad you are past the seller's block! Thanks so much for putting some of our jewelry on your last post. I just about passed out!!! So sweet of you! And thanks for visiting our blog!


  11. Mary Van - Yeah, you're right I should (and I will) include some obvious links to eBay and Etsy. I'm just not quite ready to show it off yet. I've only got 4 items listed on Etsy, and 2 on eBay. But I'm making headway!

    Suz - It was my pleasure to feature you. I love everything about your Etsy shop...and blog!

    Helga! - glad you stopped by to clarify. Yep, I guess I picked the right woman to feature with Dorothy Parker. ;-)

  12. Congrats! Great news.

    BTW I chose your lovely blog for an award on my blog :)

  13. Good for you!

    I love the illustration, btw.


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