Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lipstick on Your Collar...

All of you Mad Men fans out there are probably familiar with the Clorox ad that was created for the show’s second season DVD. The ad features a lipstick mark on the collar of a Draper-style white shirt. The headline says Clorox has been "getting ad guys out of hot water for generations."

Well, back in 1959 Connie Francis had a hit song about a guy who was in hot water because of a telltale lipstick stain...

Here's adorable Connie and "Lipstick on Your Collar." Sorry the sound quality is occasionally spotty - but I thought you'd get a kick out of seeing Connie singing live.

I haven't been running into very many men lately who have inspired me to leave my own lipstick mark. But a girl's gotta be prepared for that possibility down the road...

I adore the vintage lipstick case I currently own (a $1 find at an estate sale) - mainly because it's so practical. The enamel decoration has a texture that makes it easy to find in an overstuffed purse. But it's definitely seen better days.

I deserve something a bit more glamorous - don't you think?  So, I did a bit of shopping on Etsy and eBay, and discovered a wonderful world of vintage lipsticks, cases and vanity holders.   If money were no object, here are a few that I'd be drooling over.

Lipstick Hanky with Kitty - Etsy: CarpeBellus

So...are you drooling yet?  Which one is your favorite?

My favorites: the Revlon Advertising Pin!  Also the lineup of Revlon, Coty and Bishop lipstick tubes.  Why? Because I can imagine an intriguing collection of vintage lipsticks displayed on a pretty shelf above my bedroom vanity - and at just $7.99 (opening bid) this would be a thrifty way to get started on the collection.   But I'm not planning to bid - so grab it for yourself if you'd like!

Enjoy your weekend!  And don't forget - Valentine's Day is just around the corner... 
Make sure those luscious lips of yours are ready for a little action. :-)

Trumpet Advance Lip Flexibilities - Etsy: AnotherWomansTreasur


  1. I think I like the matchbox cover the best. I don't know what I would do with it since I don't smoke and could never get a match to light, but I still think it's pretty neat. The Revlon pin is pretty awesome, too! Fun stuff!

  2. Lovely roundup of goodies!
    I like the vintage ciner compact and lipstick set and also the first two sets! These would look so nice on a vanity!

  3. Those lipstick tubes are so, so lovely! Definitely most striking as part of a group!

    This post reminded me of the old series "lipstick on your collar' I hadn't thought of in years- Ewan McGregor in a musical miniseries about the boredom of clerical workers in a cold war intelligence bureau. It was fun- sort of Mad Men meets Glee?
    This one is pretty Valentines-ey!

  4. I am totally in awe!! I love the first dressing table lipstick holder - so glamourous! Where do these people find such things and why haven't I found such a thing for a fraction of the price?? I need to get to some boot sales....

  5. Gosh everything is soooo glam! I didn't even know there was a thing as a lipstick holder for your dressing table until recently, one of those things you didn't know you needed until you saw a pretty one! I do like sparkly!

  6. Sarah - thanks for the video tip! I completely forgot about this great old Micky & Sylvia song...and that 1990s mini series. I hope you won't mind that I've posted the video at the top of my side column, so that others can enjoy!

    Lady Cherry - I can never find things like this either! I'm not surprised that some have marked prices high, because the really glamorous compacts and cases aren't easy to come by...

    Lauren - I was really intrigued by that match holder too. The matches don't have to be used for cigarettes - how about candles?

  7. Sweet! Now I just have to find the series again...

  8. I think I like the cute little young lady display piece best, along with the items in their original packaging which I always enjoy.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. That is such a lovely idea to spend a bit checking in with the various resellers doing apron thrift girl's Febrary challenge. Her blog is so delightful she must undoubtedly have some lovely followers. And as you might have noticed by my anemic litle etsy shop, I really need the Feb challenge!

    Take care.

  9. OK, Susan. I am old! I was ten when that song came out and remember every note and word!!! I thought Connie Francis was the height of teenage glamour. After going over and over the goodies, I decided I want the two red and black lipstick cases from Italy, OK?

  10. And we just threw all our old stuff in the garbage when we finished with it. DRAT! Currently I am in love with a Revlon Red lipstick and nail polish my wonderful man bought and put in my Christmas stocking. Oh yeah...lipstick on the collar. Happy Hearts my dear...

  11. Great video clip ... thanks for sharing:

    I hope this note finds you well with Etsy and eBay going just swell. :-)

  12. I find a lot of the metal gold stuff! If you want me to start looking, let me know at! Zootsuitmama

  13. I want everything! Am I greedy? If I had to choose a fvourite it would be the teen on the phone but it's all so gloriously kitsch and totally swoonsome. xxx

  14. I had no idea there was so much lipstick paraphernalia!!! What fun and pretty stuff to collect!
    I LOVE Connie Francis,and I LOVE Mad Men....hurrah!

  15. The girl on the telephone lipstick still my heart. BE STILL MY HEART. Also love the Connie Francis clip. What a cutie. I still wish she'd married Bobby Darin. Talk about a celebrity couple with a capital "c"!

  16. Thank you for including my vanity set! I love the collection of items you found. Beautiful and fun!


  17. Princess Pat is my favorite! What a great collection of goodies from around the web. You always pull together such interesting posts, Susan! Thanks for sharing.


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