Friday, February 4, 2011

Short Post Therapy...and an Antique Lacy Fan Valentine

I just got home from work a bit ago, opened a bottle of merlot (after a 5-minute struggle with a way-too-complicated corkscrew) and poured myself a hefty glass to celebrate.  Yay!  I'm so HAPPY that it's Friday!  Aren't you too?!!

I wasn't going to write to you today because all of the creative post ideas that I had floating around in my head involved way too much writing & research & photos.  And it wore me out just thinking about it! 

I realize that my tendency to write looong posts is a wee bit neurotic. So today I am practicing Short Post Therapy.

All you're going to get from me today are some highlights of my week...

** I've been taking Yoga (vinyasa power yoga) classes twice a week for the past month, and yesterday my yoga instructor (who is about half my age) remarked how flexible I was.  Flexible? Moi?  I was beaming. You see, I used to be very flexible as a teeny bopper, but I never expected that I could get it back after all these years. Yoga is really good for the soul!

** I have signed up for Apron Thrift Girl's "Reseller's Listing Challenge."  Me (and 29 other vintage sellers, so far) have set listing goals for the month of February.  My goal is to list 10 items a week (or 40 a month) on eBay and/or Etsy.  This will truly be a challenge for me - but I'm doing great so far...

** My daughter had generously given me a $50 Trader Joe's gift certificate for Christmas, and on Tuesday I went on a little shopping trip.  Because it was a gift, I decided to only buy splurge items that I wouldn't normally buy for myself - interesting cheeses and spreads and crackers and desserts.  I've been in food heaven these past few days.  This was the best gift, Rachel - thank you!

** I actually pulled myself out of my cave on Wednesday and went out with a good friend that I hadn't seen in months.  After a yummy Italian risotto dinner, we went to a north Minneapolis bar to do a bit of karaoke (him, not me).  Very fun!

And finally...
Because it's February (Love Month) and because I'm a romantic fool...I thought I'd share photos of a favorite early 1900's Valentine from my collection.

"...To wish that sweet and fair as spring
Thy future life might be"
Isn't that sweet? 

Okay, so this post wasn't quite as short as I thought it was going to be.  Clearly more therapy is needed! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Anyone have interesting plans?  When you stop by, I'd love to hear what you've been up to.

Catch you later,
"Sarsaparilla" Susan


  1. Susan, go to my blog and read Thursdays post, you'll soon see how much I've been up to! It's Saturday afternoon as I write this and I'm almost finished it all-YAY! Sounds like you've been doing some lovely things for yourself, good on you, I don't know how you manage in all that cold weather.xx.

  2. I am so glad I am not the only long story blogger lol.That card is beautiful family heirloom or a lucky find?

  3. Oh Susan don't make your blog posts shorter I love reading your blog! There's nothing wrong with them, keep them just the way they are!!

  4. Wow what lovely photos. Vintage stationery is fab isn't it? We have decorating to do then tomorrow we are going on to London for the Chinese New Year celebrations. Yoga..l have very little free time, might have a go on the Wii Fit, lve had stiff shoulders recently. x

  5. Sounds like a nice week. Wish you a wonderful weekend!

  6. You have been busy! I love how yoga enegergises me, after a short session I feel ready to conquer the world. xxx

  7. lovely card! thanks for sharing it!

  8. they way i look at it, i'd rather read long posts of bloggers i enjoy visiting than search random short posts of blogs i don't always browse. does that make sense?? lol. you know i am the queen of long blog posts, so i totally get it!! i love your posts.....
    trader joes is the best!!! merlot is too. enjoy your weekend and here's to blah, blah, blah. i too have all those thoughts racing around and i get tired trying to control them all. i opt for merlot too!!
    take it easy

  9. For me, reading your posts is the closest thing to share a little piece of heaven with a cool breeze, please ... Them not shorten. Though both are foolish romantic, I think this is good, I love people who still show feelings, this is so lost ... and you are sooooo sweet.

  10. I'm very excited about my first yoga class, I'll let you know how it went!

  11. That is a beautiful Valentine! And I'm with you on yoga. Been doing Bikram for a month now and I LOVE it!

  12. Thanks for sharing that Valentine. It's beautiful! Our middle son asked for a Trader Joe's gift card for Christmas so we made it his big gift. He just told me tonight that he used the last dollar on it and it was his favorite gift.


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