Saturday, July 31, 2010

Birthday Postscript

A few days after my birthday, I received a surpise email message from Carol at the Jersey Girl blog.  I had entered her Divine Diva Giveaway the previous week, and my name was picked as the winner! 

She couldn't have known, of course, but what a nice birthday gift!  I'm excited for my gifts to arrive in the mail!  Thanks again, Carol - I'm humbled by your generosity...

Have you visited Carol's online store, Dandelion Vintage, yet?  She specializes in vintage clothing from the 1900's to the 1970's.  She's also got some lovely items for "the Lady's Boudoir", vintage linens, patterns, and old photographs too.  Check it out!


I love all of your comments - it's what makes blogging fun! C'mon, let's get a conversation going...