Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"In This Ever Changing Age, the Flappers and Sheiks Demanded Something Different...

...and the Black Bottom Dance was the answer!"

I dare you to give these dance moves a try.   First, do the Double Stamp - combine it with the Swing, and strut forward  - then add the Box.   Simple, they say?   Not if you're a heeler like me.

But this flapper certainly is a hot foot!   Watch her arms in slow motion.  It's the finesse of her wrists that really makes this dance smoke.  C'mon - Get hot!

(If you need a flapper era "dance slang" translation - take a peek in the column on the right. And in case you were wondering, being a heeler is not a good thing. :-)

Video courtesy of YouTube's MotorThings

This excerpt of blues era Black Bottom dancing is from AMERICA DANCES! 1897-1948: A Collector's Edition of Social Dance in Film. Visit http://www.blues-dance.com/ for a wonderful historical collection of articles, interviews, photos, and more video clips on Blues Dance.

Okay, time to cool down and head to work!  Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday...


  1. Great video find! I struggle with the 1920s Charleston myself. The 1930s version has always been easier, but I try. I definitely try.

  2. Hi Nancy - glad you stopped by! I didn't know there was a 1930's version of the Charleston.

    At least you try! I attempted to do the Black Bottom, and my feet just weren't cooperating so I gave up. Maybe I was thinking too hard. :-)

  3. Thanks so much for being a follower of Katsui blog. We are having a giveaway (drawing this Monday) to thank our first hundred followers..

    Kat and Suz


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