Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fun with Vintage "Made in Hong Kong" Plastic Cake Toppers!

It's Saturday morning, and time for another Sarsaparilla Saturday

After a long and sometimes stressful week at work, Saturdays are a good day to unwind with some lighthearted fun.  Each Saturday, we'll be traveling back to the kid's world of vintage toys, dolls, games and cartoons - or an adult world that's whimsical, weird, comical or maybe even a little naughty.  In any case, my goal is to make you smile.

This morning I wanted to to share with you a fun collection of plastic whimsies from the 1950's and 60's.  Most of them are Made in Hong Kong - and most are Cake Toppers!  I recently purchased all of these little items from the estate of a 91-year-old woman.  Her granddaughter proudly, and a little apologetically, told me:  "She was in the catering business for 35 years, and never threw anything away..."

I've already shared a photo of these colorful plastic bridesmaids and groomsmen on heart stands with you - in my recent post on vintage weddings.  But they're so much fun I thought I'd give you another peek. 

I love these little plastic bonnets in pretty pastel colors.  Perfect for a spring birthday or wedding shower!

Isn't she sweet?  Tina the plastic ballerina...

She came with two bags filled with tiny pink ballerinas in silver and "chocolate" tutus - to decorate cupcakes!

These two "Li'l Professor" trolls in plastic cases are 3" tall - and so sweet.  Perfect to top a Graduation Cake! The card inside the case says:  "JANZ Trolls and Dolls - for the best-dressed dolls" - from House of Ideas, Naperville, Ill.  You could also purchase for your trolls a Play Mite Set with tiny furniture and Troll Fads clothes, or a Magic Mountain Troll Cave!
Ain't she purty!

Here's an intriguing little cake topper for a baby shower - a 6-inch tall stork with a baby tied around it's neck with a pink ribbon.  There's a "Western Germany - U.S. Zone" tag on the leg, probably dating it to the early 1950's.

This rubber baby is borderline scary...don't you think?

Talk about come the CLOWNS!

A child's nightmare...a box filled with clown heads, come to life!

Actually, I think the clowns with the big red noses in this second box - Made in Japan - are adorable. 

This "Diligent Porgies" (what a name!) plastic toy was Made in Hong Kong and is friction powered.  I love the squiggly tails on the porgies.   

This mini plastic golf bag with 8 woods and irons, about 5" long, would be great fun for Dad's birthday. 

Look at these 9" long miniature skis!  I'm not sure who the maker is, but they are surprisingly detailed.    Everything's plastic but the spring that attaches the shoes to the skis.

And here is my favorite of the whole lot.  A box of plastic racing cars!

I grew up in a family of 7 girls andjust  2 boys, and I don't remember playing with cars at all when I was a kid.

So I was surprised that I was so fascinated with these little plastic racers.  I spent a good hour "playing" with them: opening up the boxes and researching the car makes (most are from the 50's).  After sorting them all out, I discovered that this is apparently a series of 10 different cars - and I have at least one sample of each:  M.G. Midget; Mercedes Benz; Cunningham; Aston Marton; Triumph TR2; Vanwall; Connaught; H.W.M.; Jaguar Type-D and Masserati. 

So maybe the detailing on the cars is a bit fuzzy, and the wheels barely turn - but isn't that all part of the charm of these plastic vintage toys?


  1. very cool! I remember those!..
    I think you must have lived in the Roaring 20's I swear

  2. Hello Joe,
    Glad you stopped by! You remember those little plastic racers in the boxes?

    Yeah, I can definitely see myself as a 1920's flapper. I'm especially fond of the music from that era - probably because when I was a kid, my Dad and Grandpa used to play their ukeleles and sing all the old songs.


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