Sunday, July 4, 2010

Love American Style

I'm still new at blogging, and have been a little shy about sharing my latest venture with family and friends. But I'm slowly getting the word out there. 

I asked my parents to take a peek last week - knowing that I can always count on my Mom for some glowing praise to boost the spirits. And then just last night I sent my siblings a "Happy Independence Day!" email, with a plea to visit my blog and leave a comment - so that I'll look like I'm more popular than I am! 

I expect that I might get a visit from a sib or two today.  So...Kathy, Mary, Joe, Linda, Becki, Jenny and Chris - here's a bit of patriotic family nostalgia just for you:

This photo was taken on July 4, 1976 - America's Bicentennial.  I love the knitted poncho that my youngest sister Jenny is wearing.  And that's me at 16, on the far right - in the sailboat halter, white hip hugger jeans, and wire frame glasses.  I'm sure that I was attempting to look "hot" - now it just makes me laugh!

I recall that I was the instigator behind all the red, white and blue clothing.  Most of the family rolled their eyes at my request, but went along with it anyway.  But my Dad stubbornly dressed in brown & yellow polyester.

My sister Kathy (the oldest) is missing from this photo because she was taking the picture.  If I am remembering correctly, she was wearing the ultimate in 70's coolness - an all-white jumpsuit.  Wish I had a photo of that jumpsuit that I could share with you - I'm sure it would bring a smile.

Digging through one of my several boxes of "memories" that I've saved over the years - I came across the octagon wire frames that I'm wearing in the Bicentennial photo!  Here they are with a "Peace" print from my eighth grade art class.  Groovy!

I'll leave you with a "patriotic" tune from the TV show Love American Style, an hour-long television sitcom anthology which aired between September 1969 and January 1974.  In its first year, the show's theme song was sung by the Cowsills, a clean-cut family singing group popular in the late 1960's, with hit songs like "Indian Lake" and "Hair."  (video by Klaatubes - thank you!)

A big Happy Fourth of July to all of you! I hope you enjoy some fireworks tonight with those you love...


  1. I love your style on the pic, your hair and the top are fresh!!

  2. Oups I forgot to whish you a happy 4th of july....but I have a good excuse; I'm french!!;)

  3. Hi Lexy - Yes, being French is a very good excuse!

    Actually, I've got a bit of French in me too - so I'm going to do my best to try to remember your national holiday, Bastille Day on the 14th...

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. What a wonderful family!! kind of makes me miss my own. I also remember always making sure to be dressed in red,white and blue. Thats part of the fun of the fourth of July.

  5. I do have a wonderful family! I am blessed...
    Hope you had a fun Fourth! Thanks for visiting. Stop by again!

  6. My husband and I just watched the video and shared some great 1970's memories, like staying up late on Saturday night to watch all the great comedies including Love, American Style. I love your family picture too. That's a classic!

  7. Your site is so fun and interesting! I was just mesmerized for oh ,oh way too long! Time slipped away! Thanks for doing this and sending us back into time! Loved your family photo! Those were the days ,the 70's!

  8. Hello Mitzi,
    Thanks for visiting! I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I watched it about four times yesterday before posting it, and now I can't get that darn theme song out of my head!

    And Hello "Anonymous"
    Thanks so much for the nice compliment on my blog. It helps to know that somebody's actually reading this thing! Hope you'll stop by again...


I love all of your comments - it's what makes blogging fun! C'mon, let's get a conversation going...